Sunday, February 5, 2012

RP 1: The Dead Nations

((when we had to wait HOURS for zeus to sell things. i'm assuming it wasn't 8 hours of NON STOP selling XD))

Goddard doesn't deal in selling anything, so he stays in the background as, he assumes Zeus and Hera, take to selling the things that were found. The only thing that catches his attention is the small figurine. He remembers seeing that back home. Abeir-Toril. Will he ever get back? Will he ever see those woods again?

He pads off a distance then sits to "people" watch. They aren't really people. Like he is used to anyway. Skeletons and ghouls...zombies. What he wouldn't do for some kind of "normalcy." A plant that wont rip his fur off. A tree to sit under. A song bird filling the air with beauty. Butterflies. He hasn't seen a single thing of the sort here.

He lays down and rests his head on the tops of his paws. He misses Ash. He wishes he could be with her. Hunting deer and swimming. He closes his eyes and tries to replay the week he spent with her. Goddard opens his eyes again before he can even picture a blade of grass. The sounds are distracting...he feels uncomfortable closing his eyes.

Goddard sighs. SO many new things he has to get used to.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Session 2 1/29/12

The session begins with the group standing in Kesto's shop. A team of 7 Mercykillers has confronted them inside the store and is claiming the group has killed a Factotum, and that they are under arrest, very unusual for Mercy killers. Ferrus attempts to surrender, not noticing that something is off. Lucius overhears the gnome tell Tanis that somthing is up and the group is about to get "peeled", and together Lucius and Tanis draw weapons.

4 enemies are quickly dispatched, and Lucius chases them out into the street, where he is jumped by 3 additional Hive gangers. Ferrus blocks the door, attempting to let the "Mercy Killers" retreat in recognition of their authority. Zeus attempts to run outside, but is blocked by Ferrus. Goddard is able to make it outside, and eventually Hera "removes" Ferrus from the door way with her whip.

The remaining Mercy Killers and gangers are dispatched, save one which Lucius knocked out with the hilt of his blade. The citizens of Sigil flee, and soon a detachment from the Harmonium comes to investigate. After a brief exchange, the leader of the Harmonium patrol pulls out a wooden dowel and taps one of the dead Mercy killers. His armor distorts and re-arranges, revealing the armor and markings of a cult called The Weaver. Admiring our handy work, we are invited to join the Harmonium by the patrols leader, and told to show up to their base of operations in the Lady's Ward, the Barracks. The members of the Harmonium then take the unconscious prisoner into custody and leave.

Soon after, Ferrus decides to head out and join up with the Harmonium. Lucius took the opportunity to expand his knowdlage of re-ascension in the Gnome's massive library. Ubeth-Ur and Krath took the leader of the fake Mercy Killers body to the actual Mercy Killers HQ.

-more to come-

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sessions notes, 1/28/12

Day 1-
The group meets in the hive. Collectively, they seek shelter from the thick, mucus like rain. This leads them to a local "soup kitchen". The owner offers to get them a guide to get out of the dangerous hive. The group accepts, and decides to stick together due to the dangers, both hidden and obvious, of this new place.

They arrive at the Clerk Ward, and are greeted by a mob of clueless, just like themselves. A General from the Harmonium gives the mob the run down of the city: the rules and regulations, how to find a guide if you get lost, and generally some good advice to stay alive in the planes.

The group decides to find a local inn, called the Whole Note Inn. Together, the dine and introduce themselves, learning a bit about each other. They notice a female named Lissandra the Gate Seeker. She seems to be attempting to locate a portal. The group offers her help, and with a bit of luck they determine that table number 393 is in fact a portal, its key being drinking Baatorian Fire Whiskey followed by breaking the glass of Baatorian Fire Whiskey on the table. She offers the group a small sum of coins to determine where the portal goes, and the group accepts.

Stepping out of the portal, the group finds itsself in the Dwarven Mountains in the Outland, in an area knows as Deepshaft Hall. The group gets its bearings, and figures out a way to get out of the area, exploring a small bit of the dwarven area. Inside, a group of mercs attempt to buy the information on how the group made it past the dwarfs without them knowing. They are approached by another creature, a bariaur, encouraging the group not to sell the information because it will put them in danger. Erring on the side of caution, the group decides not to tell the mercs about the portal, and learns the location of the portal back to Sigil : Ironridge.

Night passes at some point, and the group takes 3 connecting portals through the mountains, finally ariving at Ironridge. There, they see 4 portals: Sigil, Bedlam, Xaos, and Glorium. They choose to head back to Sigil, not knowing where the other portals go.

The portal exits at the Great Forge, and from there they make their way back to the Whole Note Inn. They find Lissandra the Gate Seeker , and tell her were the portal goes. With her thanks, she tells them of a Gnome named Kesto Brighteyes that runs a bookstore called The Parted Veil. There, the group can pick up their fee.

The group heads to the Lower Ward to find the Gnome. He is most welcoming once the group locates his shop, and brings a large hollow book filled with coin bags. The group converses with Sir Cleve for a bit, only to be confronted by a group of Mercy killers inside Kesto's shop. They claim that the group has murdered a Factotum, and they have been dispatched to arrest the group.

------------Session ends--------------