Sunday, February 5, 2012

RP 1: The Dead Nations

((when we had to wait HOURS for zeus to sell things. i'm assuming it wasn't 8 hours of NON STOP selling XD))

Goddard doesn't deal in selling anything, so he stays in the background as, he assumes Zeus and Hera, take to selling the things that were found. The only thing that catches his attention is the small figurine. He remembers seeing that back home. Abeir-Toril. Will he ever get back? Will he ever see those woods again?

He pads off a distance then sits to "people" watch. They aren't really people. Like he is used to anyway. Skeletons and ghouls...zombies. What he wouldn't do for some kind of "normalcy." A plant that wont rip his fur off. A tree to sit under. A song bird filling the air with beauty. Butterflies. He hasn't seen a single thing of the sort here.

He lays down and rests his head on the tops of his paws. He misses Ash. He wishes he could be with her. Hunting deer and swimming. He closes his eyes and tries to replay the week he spent with her. Goddard opens his eyes again before he can even picture a blade of grass. The sounds are distracting...he feels uncomfortable closing his eyes.

Goddard sighs. SO many new things he has to get used to.