Tuesday, March 31, 2015


After traveling for five days, the group finally reaches the city of Zuoss. There are many brown buildings along paved stone streets as well as an overwhelming amount of stalls, with vendors selling all sorts of exotic foods, fabrics, animals, and so on.

Eliandir sighs at the severe lack of trees and open space, but quickly convinces himself that this is a positive situation. He wanted to explore and see as much of the world as he could, and this is exactly what he's doing.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Return to the Woods

After braving the desert, it's strange creatures, and strange foods, the group is back in familiar woods.

It feels nice to set up camp at night to sleep and then move during the day. As the food cooks and people get settled, Eliandir sits down and does what he always does, fuss over his arrows. He catches a glimpse of Ashlyn and Thandwen from the corner of his eye and scoots over a bit so all he sees are trees and darkness.

Monday, March 2, 2015

New sandy lands

Eliandir plops down beside the wolf whom has has been calling Radion. "This place is new and interesting, and I can't even find a moment to really appreciate it," he sighs, looking over the gems he's planning on cutting up into arrow heads. "It's too hot here. Even the enemies are fire." He then looks at one of his arrows carefully. "These wouldn't hold up to those fire monsters. They'd burn up." His face looks pained at the thought of his beloved arrows turning to ashes. The arrows he uses with the oil have metal shafts, but there are only so many of those and these creatures are obviously magic. What if they destroy the heads? He grips the arrow tightly with both hands and grits his teeth at such a horrible thought.

Raidion tilts his head curiously and wags his tail before playfully bowing, staring at the arrow. Eli tilts his head as well and remembers when he was a child, watching human children throwing sticks for their dogs. "You want this?" he asks.


"If you don't bring this back, you're in trouble," he grumbles and throws the arrow.


Radion runs after the arrow, picks it up, and carries it back, placing it at Eliandir's feet.

The elf smiles and throws the arrow again, saying hae softly every time he throws it.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Giant slayers back to Renenth

The group exists the stony mountains and trudges back into the swamp. The new cloaks from the yeti and wolves make the journey far more comfortable. Eliandir had wandered away from the camp with his wolf to find some food for everyone. He returns with a few creatures that resemble a mix between a fish, eel, and frog. His wolf, whom Eli has dubbed Potato today, carries what appears to be a turtle in its mouth. It proceeds to play with its catch as Eli guts and cleans the slimy muddy creatures. He figured they would be similar to fish in flesh, and was glad to find out he was correct. A hot bowl of fish stew sounds especially delicious in this cold dark swamp.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hydra Recovery

Muttering, Thandwen squeezed the water out of her hair as she walked back to camp, finally clean of hydra gore. Thankfully, the camp hadn't been broken before the attack, so they were all able to rest comfortably. Seeing Eli working away at his arrows, she plops down next to him and picks up a feather, blowing on it softly. "Whatcha doing, Glitter Britches?"

D&D 5th Edition

You can ignore all the posts below here, we decided we're just going to hijack this blog instead of making a whole new one. And I don't feel like deleting things.