Monday, February 16, 2015

Giant slayers back to Renenth

The group exists the stony mountains and trudges back into the swamp. The new cloaks from the yeti and wolves make the journey far more comfortable. Eliandir had wandered away from the camp with his wolf to find some food for everyone. He returns with a few creatures that resemble a mix between a fish, eel, and frog. His wolf, whom Eli has dubbed Potato today, carries what appears to be a turtle in its mouth. It proceeds to play with its catch as Eli guts and cleans the slimy muddy creatures. He figured they would be similar to fish in flesh, and was glad to find out he was correct. A hot bowl of fish stew sounds especially delicious in this cold dark swamp.


  1. Thandwen sets up her tent, rolling out a ridiculously comfortable bedroll and shrugging out of her armor. Clad in layers of silk, wool, and her new cloak, she heads out to stand over the fire.


    "What have you got there, Glitter Britches?" She asks, warming her hands over the fire.

  2. He holds up one of the skillfully gutted and cleaned creatures, looking it over thoughtfully in the camp light.


    "I honestly have no idea. I was hoping it was more like a fish than a snake or a frog and thankfully that happened to be the case. I hope you like fish stew."

    He finishes cleaning the fish before cutting them into chunks. Bones and all go into a pot of water along with some roots and plants and he gathered while he was hunting and a generous amount of delicious smelling herbs from a pouch he had on his belt.

  3. Erath wanders over an glances into the pot as Eli begins to stir in the herbs. He raises an eyebrow then sits down next to the fire.

    "So... Abominable things those Yeti. I'm kinda of missing the Yaun-ti shooting snakes at us."

  4. She shrugs. "It's warm and it's food. I'm not particularly picky. I'm sure you'll make something good." Looking around, she notices Ashlyn is nowhere to be found. Hmmm...where is the little morsel? Hiding from Bragel, perhaps? "Seen the human?" she asks Eli.

  5. Looking through the battlefield, Ashlyn finds plenty of useful items to help put her coat together. It would be pretty crude for now, but she could clean it up a bit more once they get back to the city. The fight had actually gone pretty well, considering what they'd been up against. [i]For as annoying as Bragel is, he can sure fight[/i], she examined the corpses of the fallen monsters strewn about, as she cut strips off of the patchworked leather adorning the cyclops.

    [i]Well, I guess he's not entirely that bad. Least when he's not trying to kill us.[/i] She stops her work a moment, and looks back towards the camp. She could see Thandwen and Eli talking over a fire. Eli was most likely preparing one of his stews, which usually turned out delicious. "Hm," she says out loud looking at Thandwen, "she seems to be pretty fond of him though."

    She turns back to her work, and shifts her head towards where the beasts would be. "She likes direct action right, that's what she said? Maybe I should just be blunt." Ashlyn lets out an exaggerated sigh, turning back towards her work with the leather, "I've never been good at that. All the girls I like always end up either into guys or something dumb like that, and I mean I know she flirts with me but she flirts with everybody so I don't know if she's actually interested in hooking up or what." Her hands fall to her sides as she cuts the last strip. She packs the leather into her bag and buckles it closed.

    "I'm just so used to being alone, working on jobs or running. And most of the girls I've been with have been a lot more soft spoken, I'm not really used to her but I like her a lot, you know? She's different, fun." She looks back up at the beast, tilting her head to the side and giving a frown. "Fuck it, you are absolutely no help." With that she swings the bag over her shoulder and heads back to camp.

  6. "I'd rather not have any of this," Eliandir mumbles with exasperation at Erath's comment.

    He finishes up the stew and fills a bowl, handing it to Thandwen. A second bowl is filled and placed on the ground for the wolf. He fills another bowl for himself and almost huddles up with it as if he were trying to trap the steam in his new furry hood, but when Ashlyn heads toward the camp, he quickly puts his bowl down and fills one up for her, handing it to her with a smile. "I hope you like it," he says softly.

  7. Erath chuckles at Eli's comment before scooping some of the stew into a bowl. "True. Nothing trying to kill you is the preferable choice."

    He gives it an experimental taste and smiles. Looking to Ashlyn, he nods. "It's pretty good. Excellent work, Eli. Like my Aunt Cor always said, 'The secret is in the seasoning!'. "

  8. Ashlyn slides her backpack off her shoulder and sets it down by the fire, taking the bowl Eli held out for her with her free hand. She returns his smile, and takes a whiff of the stew, "It smells really good, thank you." She sits down by her bag, humming to herself as she rests the bowl on her knees. The stew was nice and hot, and truly did smell amazing. There was probably only one thing Ashlyn cared about more than gold and whiskey, and it was food.

    She takes a spoonful, letting out a muffled "Mmm" as she chewed. "Wow, yeah. It's pretty great, Rainbow," her eyes still fixed on the meal in front of her.

  9. Eliandir sits down with his bowl of stew again, pulling his hood closer around his head, trying to hide his probably incredibly goofy smile from Ashlyn's compliments on his cooking. He doesn't even mind that she calls him anything other than Eliandir or Eli. I'm such an idiot. What do I do? I should say something. He looks up, ready to speak but then turns away quickly. Don;t you dare say that! If you say 'no you're great' I will slap you myself!

  10. Finishing her stew, she places the bowl down on the ground beside her. "So," she leans back, bracing herself on her arms, "Bragel is like, good now, right?" She didn't entirely trust him, and she didn't really get magic. He still made her pretty uncomfortable but if he wasn't trying to kill them, he wouldn't be that bad at least.
