Monday, February 16, 2015

Giant slayers back to Renenth

The group exists the stony mountains and trudges back into the swamp. The new cloaks from the yeti and wolves make the journey far more comfortable. Eliandir had wandered away from the camp with his wolf to find some food for everyone. He returns with a few creatures that resemble a mix between a fish, eel, and frog. His wolf, whom Eli has dubbed Potato today, carries what appears to be a turtle in its mouth. It proceeds to play with its catch as Eli guts and cleans the slimy muddy creatures. He figured they would be similar to fish in flesh, and was glad to find out he was correct. A hot bowl of fish stew sounds especially delicious in this cold dark swamp.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hydra Recovery

Muttering, Thandwen squeezed the water out of her hair as she walked back to camp, finally clean of hydra gore. Thankfully, the camp hadn't been broken before the attack, so they were all able to rest comfortably. Seeing Eli working away at his arrows, she plops down next to him and picks up a feather, blowing on it softly. "Whatcha doing, Glitter Britches?"

D&D 5th Edition

You can ignore all the posts below here, we decided we're just going to hijack this blog instead of making a whole new one. And I don't feel like deleting things.